Website Systemlink has managed to squeeze the first details from an anonymous Sony employee about the oft rumoured Warhawk sequel. According to the website’s source, the sequel has been in development for years and will be debuted at E3 2011.
Warhawk was one of the earlier PS3 exclusive titles from back in 2007. Its sequel looks set to continue the game’s multiplayer focus, but this time players will be engaging in space battles as well. Despite multiplayer being the emphasis, the game will apparently feature a fleshed out single-player campaign.
The game is supposedly built on a new engine but will retain a similar art style to that found in the first game. Sadly, players will not be able to begin a battle on a planet surface and then fly up into space to partake in a further battle; space battles and in-atmosphere/land battles will be separate instances.
Take this with a pinch of salt for now. That being said, Systemlink is crossing its heart on this reveal.
Source: Systemlink